Gloria González de Weston

Gloria González de Weston

Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Tucumán, Argentina

Ph.D Candidate



Bat biologist from a small but beautiful country in South America called Paraguay

I am a Ph.D student at Facultad de Ciencias Naturales (College of Natural Sciences) from the National University of Tucuman, Argentina. I have a Master’s Degree in Ecology from Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research). My professional life is focused on the development of research projects, conservation strategies, and management of chiropterofauna. Passionate about bats since I went to a field trip with Dr. Robert D. Owen as an undergraduate student; discovering its resilience and importance for the balance of the environment was a journey of no return.

As a research professor at the Biology Department at the National University of Asuncion, Paraguay, I support the study and management of wildlife through teaching and fieldwork activities. I have led on a new line of research since 2021, focused on Bioacoustics, which has contributed to an increase in knowledge of Paraguayan bats in urban areas and new species inventories To learn more, watch our video: “Ecology, distribution and conservation status of chiropterans of Asuncion and its metropolitan area, Paraguay“.

I have been the coordinator of the Paraguayan Bat Conservation Program since 2019. This program has three main action axes: research, conservation, and environmental education, that allow the maintenance of bat species and their ecosystems that benefit man and nature.

In the GBatNet member network RELCOM (Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Conservation of Bats), I am a member of the steering committee and an associate member of the Institute of Argentinian Biodiversity (PIDBA).

As one of the student representatives for GBatNet, I am pleased and proud to co-lead the GBatNet working group “Prioritizing conservation attention on key habitats and key species”.

Selected recent publications:

Owen, Robert Dale, González de Weston, Gloria, Torres Ruíz-Díaz, María Elena & Barreto Cáceres, María Belén. 2023. Abiotic drivers of bat community diversity in a savanna mosaic acrossthe tropical/subtropical transition of South America. Acta Chiropterologica, 25(1): 85–100 . doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2023.25.1.004

González de Weston, Gloria. 2022. Áreas y sitios de importancia para la Conservación de los Murciélagos del Paraguay. In: Rubén M. Barquez, Luis F. Aguirre, Jafet M. Nassar Santiago F. Burneo, Carlos A. Mancina & M. Mónica Díaz (Org.). Áreas y sitios de importancia para la Conservación de los Murciélagos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, Yerba  Buena, Tucumán, RELCOM, Ed. 1, 2022, v. 1, p. 75-78, ISSN/ISBN: 978-987-88-6267-5. AICOMs y SICOMs Book

Owen, Robert Dale, López- González, Celia. & González de Weston, Gloria. 2022. Sharing the space: variation in morphometric, ecoregional, migratory and reproductive patterns of three sympatric Artibeus species. Acta Chiropterologica, 24(1): 51–64.

Vetter Hiebert, Joerg Richard., González de Weston, Gloria., Petters, José Gaspar & Quintana Ruíz-Díaz, Adelaida. 2021. Case Report: rabies in a bat (Eptesicus sp.) captured in the campus of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción, city of San Lorenzo, Paraguay. Compend. cienc. vet., 11 (02) : 41 – 45.