New Student Profiles Posted

May 10, 2024

Profile pages for all of our new students are now up! You can find them on the About page, or click through here to learn about each of our new student representatives! Nathaly Nicole Camargo Quiroga Lexi Frank Cheyenne Graham Andrea Bernal-Rivera Robin Rowland Sophio Maglakelidze Beatriz Dybas da Natividade Chiara Scaramella Franck Meyo Md …

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Please welcome our new GBatNet Student Reps!

March 13, 2024

We are delighted to announce the results of our latest round of GBatNet Student Selection! They will be working alongside the leadership team, network leaders, working group leaders, and our existing cohort of GBatNet student representatives to advance the mission and vision of GBatNet, and we’re very excited to have them join us! Please welcome …

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Application to GBatNet Student Selection 2024 is now open!

November 15, 2023

GBatNet is now ready to recruit its next cohort of students! If you are interested in joining us to contribute to furthering the GBatNet mission, please check out the information on the second round of selection here. The deadline for application is January 15, 2024. Please spread the news out to any students who may …

Application to GBatNet Student Selection 2024 is now open! Read More »

GBatNet Student Selection – Round 2 – 2024

GBatNet brings together 18 existing bat diversity networks and affiliated organizations from across the world with the shared vision of sustainable bat diversity in a changing world. Students are a key part of fulfilling this vision. GBatNet is committed to broadening participation in STEM both in the US and abroad, and we encourage application by …

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Sign Up for an Interdisciplinary Project!

If you were unable to attend IBRC in Austin, TX this past August, you can still sign up for any of the 15 different research or conservation project working groups! To learn more about each of the projects, go to our interdisciplinary projects page. You can join as a leader, member, or consultant depending on …

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Chirovox – the bat call library

Unlike most birds and frogs that use audible sounds, bats usually make high pitched calls that are beyond the hearing range of humans. Bat detectors provide great opportunities to nature lovers and scientists to understand secret life of bats by eavesdropping on their sounds. To date, the widespread application of bioacoustics to observe bats is …

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Bat Hunting and Exploitation Observation Data Portal

Long-term monitoring of bat exploitation around the world Around the world, bats are hunted, traded, and killed. They are hunted for food, medicine, and as sport; are traded as souvenirs; and are persecuted. In order to understand this exploitation and how it impacts the persistence of bat populations globally, we at GBatNet are calling upon …

Bat Hunting and Exploitation Observation Data Portal Read More »

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